Wednesday, August 5, 2009

From Colorado

Sorry, it’s been too long since we have posted to our blog. We have been in an area of Colorado that is absolutely beautiful, but also no reception on either phone or internet. We have been with a group of about 100 people who came together for learning about end time/Jacob’s Trouble preparation under the teaching of Mike Clayton. Steve got to teach about edible plants and The Peregrinnatti got to do some stories and music presentations as well. One of the presentations we did was The Spirit and the Bride, and it was very well received and touched many who heard it. We added many more members to our Mishpochah and it would not be fair to try and list their names and forget someone so we just say, “We love you and you know who you are!” We want to thank so many of you who gave so generously for our ministry to continue on the road. YHWH is so good in taking care of us through the generosity of you all. There was a video photographer there and he told me he got some good footage of some of the scenes around camp and the edible plant teaching so hopefully, we can link that up either here on the blog or in YOUTUBE for you to see. We’ll let you know.
It was difficult to be out of the loop in knowing what world events were transpiring, and as we are coming back into access, it is not surprising to note that things continue to accelerate towards the events we see prophesied in Scripture. As we go out, our main message is to cut your ties with the world’s systems and learn to listen to YHWH’s directions for your lives. Many people we talked to this past weekend were encouraged by our obedience to get rid of stuff and become mobile or “Bedouin” and reported that that was what YHWH had been telling them too. Our witness to them was a second witness that confirmed to them that they were hearing correctly and that they would commit more determinedly to that process of disconnecting.
Many are asking, “Where do we go?” Some are already leaving the country. Our answer is that there is no one place for us to go, and that it may be for us to stay here in “Babylon” for the work that YHWH has for us to do. The key is obedience to what He reveals for you to do; what assignment does He give you to do? In our teaching on the bond slave, we note that the main dynamics that take over your life is that your own enterprises; plans and objectives, are set aside and your are available only for what YHWH tells you to do personally for your own life. It doesn’t matter what He tells someone else to do. It only matters what He tells you to do. There is such a tendency to look around and see what others are doing. Now is the time more than any other period in all of history for us to be learning and practicing listening to His voice and directions for our lives. The time is soon coming when our very lives will depend on what He tells us to do. “You will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘this is the way, walk in it’”.
We will be posting some other ideas and observations we experienced this past weekend, but we just wanted to get this out so you didn’t think we dropped off the face of the earth. YHWH bless and keep you as we move forward together in His will for each of our lives.

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