Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31, 2009

Dear Mishpocha:
We have been in Southern California with Howard and Margo and their Shabbat group and received some wonderful words from the Ruach. We taught on “The Web of Babylon” that included the story of “The Spirit and the Bride” for the first session. The second session was “The Bondslaves of Yeshua” and many present later revealed how they were personally touched by the Ruach with revelation for their lives. We later watched the DVD on Daniel’s Timeline which wrapped the day up with maximum impact.
Another event taking place in the skies over us through the weekend was the incredible amounts of smoke coming from the wildfires of the LA area. We visited the Thompson’s last evening and their neighbor, a fire fighter, was killed yesterday in the fire, so the loss and destruction of these fires was keenly felt. Lynn commented this morning that the smoke and the destruction and the death were all impressing on her spirit how close to judgment we are. “It is later than we think!” is a message that we have received from several sources and as watchmen, we pass it on to you for your consideration.
Tomorrow we leave California headed ultimately for Oklahoma City where we will board a plane for Israel on September 8. We will visit friends/mishpocha on the way through Colorado and Kansas. Our tickets have us returning November 23, so we can spend Thanksgiving with our children and grandchildren. After that, our schedule is completely open so we will be available to go wherever YHWH shows us.
We are in great anticipation to be headed towards Jerusalem for the Fall Feasts. We have collected about $4000 to present to the Messianic Congregation in Jerusalem we have told you about. We are told to not come up to Jerusalem empty handed and it is an honor for us to be carrying your offerings along with our own to present to the believers in Jerusalem.


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