Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 11--California

Mike Clayton said to us awhile back when we were seeking YHVH about selling our home and leaving California that the desire for your place would depart – you won’t want to be there any longer. This was hard counsel to accept at that time because the flesh is always rising up with every excuse as to why you should refuse that counsel. But in the end his counsel has proven true. It has been 5 weeks since we packed up and left our home in California. We have been to Idaho (2 X’s), British Columbia, Oregon, Montana, Colorado 2 X’s), and Kansas. We have ministered in Baptist congregations, a Mennonite congregation campout, a Messianic end times campout, “Love for Israel” conference, home fellowships and Extended Care facilities and we are now back in California and truly, I can say, the desire to go back “home” has departed. We don’t yet know where we are to send our 2 20’ cargo containers, but YHVH has been faithful thus far and like Steve says, what YHVH has done for us in the past is our substance and evidence that we can count on for today as well as tomorrow! After all He does not change, He is the same yesterday, today and forever!!
Living like a “Bedouin” has exciting and rewarding elements, the people you meet and are privileged to stay with are the best part of this lifestyle. A huge thank you to all who have supported us thus far with prayers, comfy beds, yummy food and financially – it would be a whole lot harder to do what YHVH has called us to do without you! THANK YOU!!!
We will be in California until the end of August ministering in Tule Lake the weekend of the 15th , then in Redding the weekend of the 22nd and finally in Lancaster the weekend of the 29th. We will then be leaving for Israel and spending a couple of wonderful months in the Land of Promise, helping with the grape harvest, celebrating Sukkot and then as YHVH leads. We should be back in the states, providing things remain as they are around the first of November.
We will be posting our blog out of Israel while we are there as well, so please keep up with us. We would love to share with you what YHWH is doing in the preparation of His land to receive His people as He brings them back from all the nations to which they have been scattered. The door is not yet open for us to stay permanently, but time is close and we must all stay tuned in to what He is doing. Stay in prayer with us and listening to YHWH’s directions in each of our lives so that we will all be in the right place at the right time doing exactly what YHWH has designed for us to be doing in His incredible plan.

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