Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tule Lake California

August 16, 2009
Have you ever noticed how The Father’s lightening flashes of inspiration seem so magnificently wise and understandable at the moment and then comes your part of working out what He has put in and that is ______________ (well, I will leave you to fill in that blank for yourself). Y’Shua said if you want to be my disciple then take up your execution stake and follow me and if you think they won’t persecute you then have another think! (Shirley’s paraphrase) I believe it was Charles Wesley, who one day as he was riding through the woods on his horse was bemoaning his relationship with Abba because life had just be too good lately, i.e. no persecution, he was calling out to God, saying, “Do you still love me, Father? There have been no trials or struggles lately, Am I still in your will?” When suddenly a rock came flying out of the forest and struck him knocking him from his horse. When he recovered from the blow he sat up and began praising God. “Thank you,” he said, “now I am reassured that you still love me.”
We haven’t gotten to the place where we, like Mr. Wesley, call out to YHVH for persecution, but being doers of YHVH’s will seems to automatically put one in that place of receiving just that. This weekend we were at an Assembly of God church in Tulelake, CA, where they were celebrating their 75th anniversary. The church was filled with saints who have stood in the gap for decades and their faith and steadfastness in the midst of trials was a testament to us of the faithfulness of YHVH. Our Abba does promise us joy for the journey and you all were a definite witness to us of that fact. Thank you Tulelake for your kindness, your hospitality, and for accepting us as part of your family, may the Shalom of YHVH continue to rest upon you all.
The word of YHVH for us this season of our walk with Him began with “live like a Bedouin”. As we explored what that meant to us we were led to buy a tent. The word was expanded to “pack” a few months later and then “leave” California. Steve in the introduction he does for The Peregrinnatti talks about the ancient Celtic “sent ones” who built leather boats and set out in them without benefit of sail or rudder or oar, only the “wind” directing the little boat with its occupants. Wherever they landed it was their commission to tell the gospel story. We don’t have a leather boat, we have a truck, but the “wind” is still directing our travels. May His Wind direct us to you, our dear Mishpochah!
Yesterday I was reading Psalm 91 and something popped out at me that I had not really put attention to before, vs. 10 says, “no evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent.” That word “tent” is what stood out. We have left our home, more than left, we have sold our home, we are without a home, but we do have a tent. One might say, that was your own choosing, and yes this is true as we all have choices, but back to my thought. Vs. 1 lays the conditions for the rest of the Psalm bearing fulfillment in our lives, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” In our tents, the Greater Exodus, we who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will be protected. Is it time to live in our tents? I read a news article recently that was talking about families that had lost their homes to foreclosure, gathering in campgrounds, living in tents and becoming community, sharing, helping, supporting one another. Being gathered, living in tents, a foretaste perhaps of things soon to come for us?! Are you ready to live in tents? In your tent you will be protected providing that you are dwelling in the shadow of the Most High. It’s exciting times we are living in, not without trails, testings and tribulations, but keep your eyes focused on His and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the Light of His Glory and Grace.
Remember, this is a blog page of our thoughts, we are not presenting what is written here as prophetic or doctrine or counsel as to what you should do, YHVH is the only source, or should be, for any decision you make, but He does use His servants to get you and us thinking, and praying and seeking Him does He not?

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