Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Here we are in the center of the USA in Kansas. Our dear friends Pam and D'Ard have been wonderful hosts to us and set up some great appointments for us to tell stories. We have been well received by the various groups and have many invitations to return in the future. We have had opportunity to explain our perspective of Torah pursuance and minds have been opened in the process. It never fails that we speak to people whom the Holy Spirit is stirring with insight into the Hebrewness of the Gospel.

We continue to observe the World News and compare with the Prophets and understand the closeness of the times we are living in. Many people we talk to are observing the same thing, so it is not just our own perspective. Those who have eyes to see His "R"eality and ears to hear/shema His voice are understanding the events as they unfold in the daily news. Pay attention as you have never done before. The sons of Issachar were noted because they knew the times and events as they unfolded before them. The Berreans were commended by Paul because they searched the scriptures DAILY, to see whether those things were so. What will history record of us in our day? Will it find us alert or asleep. There were two categories among the 10 virgins. The prepared and the unprepared (which became "unadmitted" into the doors of the wedding feast). Which group will you be joining?

It is a privilege to be connected with each one of you as we go out to tell the stories. We hope you will continue to follow our wonderings and let us know when we get close to you or someone you know that you would like for us to meet. The family/mishpocha keeps growing.

We were privileged to spend some time with Ephraim and Rimona Frank from Israel while we were in Colorado. They were talking about the parable of the wheat and tares. There comes a time when the wheat and tares are cut down for harvest. The tares are separated from the wheat and taken off to be burned. The wheat is bundled into sheaves to be processed for the rest of the harvest operations. We believe we are in the time of the bundling; when a group of wheat stalks are brought together and tied with several stalks of wheat so that they will be kept together for the threshing and winnowing process. This is what we are seeing as we travel out in the nation. People are coming together as we have not seen before. They are gathering together into the bundles of harvest. Time is very short. The harvest is upon us --the time of gathering is here.

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