Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31, 2009

Dear Mishpocha:
We have been in Southern California with Howard and Margo and their Shabbat group and received some wonderful words from the Ruach. We taught on “The Web of Babylon” that included the story of “The Spirit and the Bride” for the first session. The second session was “The Bondslaves of Yeshua” and many present later revealed how they were personally touched by the Ruach with revelation for their lives. We later watched the DVD on Daniel’s Timeline which wrapped the day up with maximum impact.
Another event taking place in the skies over us through the weekend was the incredible amounts of smoke coming from the wildfires of the LA area. We visited the Thompson’s last evening and their neighbor, a fire fighter, was killed yesterday in the fire, so the loss and destruction of these fires was keenly felt. Lynn commented this morning that the smoke and the destruction and the death were all impressing on her spirit how close to judgment we are. “It is later than we think!” is a message that we have received from several sources and as watchmen, we pass it on to you for your consideration.
Tomorrow we leave California headed ultimately for Oklahoma City where we will board a plane for Israel on September 8. We will visit friends/mishpocha on the way through Colorado and Kansas. Our tickets have us returning November 23, so we can spend Thanksgiving with our children and grandchildren. After that, our schedule is completely open so we will be available to go wherever YHWH shows us.
We are in great anticipation to be headed towards Jerusalem for the Fall Feasts. We have collected about $4000 to present to the Messianic Congregation in Jerusalem we have told you about. We are told to not come up to Jerusalem empty handed and it is an honor for us to be carrying your offerings along with our own to present to the believers in Jerusalem.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tule Lake California

August 16, 2009
Have you ever noticed how The Father’s lightening flashes of inspiration seem so magnificently wise and understandable at the moment and then comes your part of working out what He has put in and that is ______________ (well, I will leave you to fill in that blank for yourself). Y’Shua said if you want to be my disciple then take up your execution stake and follow me and if you think they won’t persecute you then have another think! (Shirley’s paraphrase) I believe it was Charles Wesley, who one day as he was riding through the woods on his horse was bemoaning his relationship with Abba because life had just be too good lately, i.e. no persecution, he was calling out to God, saying, “Do you still love me, Father? There have been no trials or struggles lately, Am I still in your will?” When suddenly a rock came flying out of the forest and struck him knocking him from his horse. When he recovered from the blow he sat up and began praising God. “Thank you,” he said, “now I am reassured that you still love me.”
We haven’t gotten to the place where we, like Mr. Wesley, call out to YHVH for persecution, but being doers of YHVH’s will seems to automatically put one in that place of receiving just that. This weekend we were at an Assembly of God church in Tulelake, CA, where they were celebrating their 75th anniversary. The church was filled with saints who have stood in the gap for decades and their faith and steadfastness in the midst of trials was a testament to us of the faithfulness of YHVH. Our Abba does promise us joy for the journey and you all were a definite witness to us of that fact. Thank you Tulelake for your kindness, your hospitality, and for accepting us as part of your family, may the Shalom of YHVH continue to rest upon you all.
The word of YHVH for us this season of our walk with Him began with “live like a Bedouin”. As we explored what that meant to us we were led to buy a tent. The word was expanded to “pack” a few months later and then “leave” California. Steve in the introduction he does for The Peregrinnatti talks about the ancient Celtic “sent ones” who built leather boats and set out in them without benefit of sail or rudder or oar, only the “wind” directing the little boat with its occupants. Wherever they landed it was their commission to tell the gospel story. We don’t have a leather boat, we have a truck, but the “wind” is still directing our travels. May His Wind direct us to you, our dear Mishpochah!
Yesterday I was reading Psalm 91 and something popped out at me that I had not really put attention to before, vs. 10 says, “no evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent.” That word “tent” is what stood out. We have left our home, more than left, we have sold our home, we are without a home, but we do have a tent. One might say, that was your own choosing, and yes this is true as we all have choices, but back to my thought. Vs. 1 lays the conditions for the rest of the Psalm bearing fulfillment in our lives, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” In our tents, the Greater Exodus, we who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will be protected. Is it time to live in our tents? I read a news article recently that was talking about families that had lost their homes to foreclosure, gathering in campgrounds, living in tents and becoming community, sharing, helping, supporting one another. Being gathered, living in tents, a foretaste perhaps of things soon to come for us?! Are you ready to live in tents? In your tent you will be protected providing that you are dwelling in the shadow of the Most High. It’s exciting times we are living in, not without trails, testings and tribulations, but keep your eyes focused on His and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the Light of His Glory and Grace.
Remember, this is a blog page of our thoughts, we are not presenting what is written here as prophetic or doctrine or counsel as to what you should do, YHVH is the only source, or should be, for any decision you make, but He does use His servants to get you and us thinking, and praying and seeking Him does He not?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 11--California

Mike Clayton said to us awhile back when we were seeking YHVH about selling our home and leaving California that the desire for your place would depart – you won’t want to be there any longer. This was hard counsel to accept at that time because the flesh is always rising up with every excuse as to why you should refuse that counsel. But in the end his counsel has proven true. It has been 5 weeks since we packed up and left our home in California. We have been to Idaho (2 X’s), British Columbia, Oregon, Montana, Colorado 2 X’s), and Kansas. We have ministered in Baptist congregations, a Mennonite congregation campout, a Messianic end times campout, “Love for Israel” conference, home fellowships and Extended Care facilities and we are now back in California and truly, I can say, the desire to go back “home” has departed. We don’t yet know where we are to send our 2 20’ cargo containers, but YHVH has been faithful thus far and like Steve says, what YHVH has done for us in the past is our substance and evidence that we can count on for today as well as tomorrow! After all He does not change, He is the same yesterday, today and forever!!
Living like a “Bedouin” has exciting and rewarding elements, the people you meet and are privileged to stay with are the best part of this lifestyle. A huge thank you to all who have supported us thus far with prayers, comfy beds, yummy food and financially – it would be a whole lot harder to do what YHVH has called us to do without you! THANK YOU!!!
We will be in California until the end of August ministering in Tule Lake the weekend of the 15th , then in Redding the weekend of the 22nd and finally in Lancaster the weekend of the 29th. We will then be leaving for Israel and spending a couple of wonderful months in the Land of Promise, helping with the grape harvest, celebrating Sukkot and then as YHVH leads. We should be back in the states, providing things remain as they are around the first of November.
We will be posting our blog out of Israel while we are there as well, so please keep up with us. We would love to share with you what YHWH is doing in the preparation of His land to receive His people as He brings them back from all the nations to which they have been scattered. The door is not yet open for us to stay permanently, but time is close and we must all stay tuned in to what He is doing. Stay in prayer with us and listening to YHWH’s directions in each of our lives so that we will all be in the right place at the right time doing exactly what YHWH has designed for us to be doing in His incredible plan.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

From Colorado

Sorry, it’s been too long since we have posted to our blog. We have been in an area of Colorado that is absolutely beautiful, but also no reception on either phone or internet. We have been with a group of about 100 people who came together for learning about end time/Jacob’s Trouble preparation under the teaching of Mike Clayton. Steve got to teach about edible plants and The Peregrinnatti got to do some stories and music presentations as well. One of the presentations we did was The Spirit and the Bride, and it was very well received and touched many who heard it. We added many more members to our Mishpochah and it would not be fair to try and list their names and forget someone so we just say, “We love you and you know who you are!” We want to thank so many of you who gave so generously for our ministry to continue on the road. YHWH is so good in taking care of us through the generosity of you all. There was a video photographer there and he told me he got some good footage of some of the scenes around camp and the edible plant teaching so hopefully, we can link that up either here on the blog or in YOUTUBE for you to see. We’ll let you know.
It was difficult to be out of the loop in knowing what world events were transpiring, and as we are coming back into access, it is not surprising to note that things continue to accelerate towards the events we see prophesied in Scripture. As we go out, our main message is to cut your ties with the world’s systems and learn to listen to YHWH’s directions for your lives. Many people we talked to this past weekend were encouraged by our obedience to get rid of stuff and become mobile or “Bedouin” and reported that that was what YHWH had been telling them too. Our witness to them was a second witness that confirmed to them that they were hearing correctly and that they would commit more determinedly to that process of disconnecting.
Many are asking, “Where do we go?” Some are already leaving the country. Our answer is that there is no one place for us to go, and that it may be for us to stay here in “Babylon” for the work that YHWH has for us to do. The key is obedience to what He reveals for you to do; what assignment does He give you to do? In our teaching on the bond slave, we note that the main dynamics that take over your life is that your own enterprises; plans and objectives, are set aside and your are available only for what YHWH tells you to do personally for your own life. It doesn’t matter what He tells someone else to do. It only matters what He tells you to do. There is such a tendency to look around and see what others are doing. Now is the time more than any other period in all of history for us to be learning and practicing listening to His voice and directions for our lives. The time is soon coming when our very lives will depend on what He tells us to do. “You will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘this is the way, walk in it’”.
We will be posting some other ideas and observations we experienced this past weekend, but we just wanted to get this out so you didn’t think we dropped off the face of the earth. YHWH bless and keep you as we move forward together in His will for each of our lives.