Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tennessee to Texas

Natchez Trace Overpass

January 26

Waco, Texas and January is drawing to a close. What a trip it has been so far! The Father has weaved us around the storms that are brutally lashing this nation and directed our travels to this place. We have been so totally blessed by the richness of fellowship and friendship wherever we have gone and the divine appointments that He has prepared for us to bless and be blessed by! We last left you as we were coming into Tennessee. The weather was considerably warmer even though the effects of the recent cold blast were still evident. The cuts in the road that usually had water seepage were frozen waterfalls and only slowly melting. It rained during our stay, but that didn’t dampen our spirits, for our time was full of the beautiful warmth and wonder of great friends! On Shabbat we got to have a mini family week / harvester reunion as about 100 people showed up at the Franklin, TN community center close to the Waller Family. Many of the group had been in Israel during the harvest so it was like homecoming with so many familiar faces and stories. Our message on the Fig Tree vs. The Olive Tree was received well and many commented that it helped bring understanding to the current situation in The Land.
Beautiful Tennessee Farmland

Just a note—The Waller Family Week information is available at http://www.familywk.com/ and this year is a Kentucky site for Pesach and a Durango, Colorado site for Shavuot. Also, please pray about joining the harvest team in Israel this fall. The main harvesting is going to occur just as Succot finishes as Succot comes early this year. This is a great way to engage Israel at a level that few tours will ever do. You will not be disappointed. More information is available at http://www.hayovel.com/.
Beginning of Parkway in Tennessee

From Tennessee we drove down the Natchez Trace headed for Mississippi. What a beautiful drive. The speed limit is 50 mph because it is a National Parkway, but you wouldn’t want to drive any faster, it’s just so beautiful. If you ever get into the area, do not miss this treat. Our next stop was near Tupelo, Mississippi—birthplace of Elvis Presley, they proudly proclaim on the signs. We were hosted by wonderful friends and we gave our message to another Messianic/Sunday mixed group. There is so much stirring in our land: people coming to an awareness of Torah because they start reading the Scriptures and the Spirit opens their minds and they become convicted of the truths of Torah that they have been blinded to until now. While we were in their home, there was a tremendous storm with rain pounding all night with thunder and lightning.
The Wall Cherokee Memorial
The next morning as we traveled down the Trace towards Jackson, Mississippi, there were many spots of flooding. As we drove through the upper part of Louisiana, the talk on the radio was the lost strawberry crop because of the deep freeze they had just come through the week before. I don’t think they are too convinced about “global warming”.
As we drove into East Texas on Interstate 20, we came upon a scene of devastation. A tornado had just been through there and there was twisted metal all over the sides of the road from the roof of an industrial building. 5 different tornados had touched down in East Texas which is an unusual event for winter season. Creation is groaning, and time is short. Everywhere we are going, people are making preparations. Just as we have seen a movement on the land by the Spirit/Ruach haKodesh bringing people back to Torah, we are now seeing a move across the land for making preparation.
We made it on into Georgetown, Texas by 11:00 pm –friends were waiting up for us. What a blessing is the hospitality of friends!. We were able to share with their fellowship group and once again, there were many who said they understood things about the present Israel better.

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