Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another great adventure - 2010

It’s time for a new posting on our blog site as we are off on another road trip. But first, thank you all for your support and comments through our time in Israel. We learned and observed much during our nearly 3 months there. As we travel the US these next 2 months we hope we can connect with you somewhere along the way. We will be leaving January 5 for Colorado and on to Iowa. We will stop briefly in Wisconsin and then head down to Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, back through Colorado, up to Idaho, British Columbia and back to California. If we miss you then let us know and we will try and connect with you on the next great adventure.
It seems that what YHWH has for us to share this trip is an understanding of what the Nation of Israel is today as it relates to Bible prophecy. Just a hint; Yeshua said that when you see the leaves come forth on the “Fig Tree” not the Olive Tree. Steve has prepared a teaching to help understand the differences and what that means prophetically. Shirley has a teaching on the mainly untold history of Israel and how we need to align ourselves to walk in YHVH’S Light, her talk is entitled, “Two Paths, Your Choice”. Along with this also seems to be that YHWH is connecting us with several people and fellowships that are focusing on building community. We have had a heart for community for years, and been through many processes and many mistakes, and now He seems to be connecting us with these various groups, and maybe our mistakes will finally be worth something. His ways are mysterious and past finding out!
We ask for your prayers and support as we venture out on this great adventure. We are being sent during one of the worst winters on record through the Midwest and Eastern US; so much for Global Warming! Our car has 175,000 miles on it, so we are asking YHWH for His safety, Hs provision, His protection, and His guiding word and direction throughout the journey. We will try and post a calendar shortly so you can see where we will be and hopefully connect as we come into your area.
The times—they are a changin. There are many events swirling around us each day that could cause us to fear, but in the midst of all this we are told to lift up our heads…for our redemption draws close. If we lift our heads up, that means we are not looking at the circumstances or ourselves to get our direction. We are looking to Him. Have you ever noticed how many times in scripture it records that someone, especially Yeshua, “lifted their eyes”. That is our only hope and our only safety; looking unto Yeshua, the author and finisher of our faith.
Blessings and Shalom

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