Monday, January 18, 2010

January 16--Colorado to Tennessee

Minnesota Farm House

Well, it’s time for catch up with the blog. It’s not that there isn’t enough to report on, it’s just been a full time and we forgot our computer cord in Iowa and just received it in the mail. We made our friends house, Matt and Karen, in Colorado in the middle of sub-zero temperatures and snow flurries and icy roads. We were late for dinner (having gotten lost), but were greeted warmly by Karen and daughter Katie and friends Lance and Lisa and their boys, when we did finally make it to their place . (It was a good thing Matt drove out to meet us and guide us in or it would have been a really late dinner!) We had to leave the next morning to make our weekend committment in Iowa. The weather along the way wasn't looking to driving favorable so that night we prayed that if we were to continue the journey the day would dawn clear otherwise we would stay another night in Colorado. Well, in the morning the sky was clear and a beautiful blue with good driving conditions across the midwest so we took that as a sign to proceed on. It is always so hard to leave these YHWH connected cherished relationships. But it was on to Iowa with Mike and Nettie. Halfway across Nebraska we get a call from them telling us to not try and make it to their place that night because of blizzard conditions. So, we held up in Lincoln, Nebraska until the next morning when the wind had died down somewhat and the snow plows began running.

There was wonderful fellowship in Iowa and some times for personal ministry as well. YHWH always seems to bring us to the right place at the right time with a word in due season. Here is a picture of one of the drift snow banks so you don’t think we are exaggerating. There were even higher ones than this one! And oh boy was it cold!!!

Iowa Snow Drift

Our next leg of the journey was to press on to Green Bay, Wisconsin. On the way, we stopped at a Bible Training Center in Cresco, Iowa. These centers are Christian rehabilitation centers for chemical dependent returning prodigal sons and daughters. What a blessing. We don’t know if we were blessed more or they were with the stories. Such beautiful people we are privileged to meet. We had been invited to come up to Green Bay by a friend of ours that collects food from various large corporate facilities and then distributes to many different ministries of which these Bible Training Centers are part. So every time we are out on the road, our friend tries to hook us up with a center that is close. We were offered the opportunity to share at a Wednesday evening meeting in Green Bay with a combination Sunday church and Messianic fellowship that rents from them. They all came to the presentation and there was such a unity between both groups—what a blessing to be part of that.

Even as we were in Green Bay, the weather started to get a little warmer. By the time we left, it had “warmed up” to 20 degrees and was feeling like shirt sleeve weather! We traveled through Chicago on into Indiana and were trying to make it to another Bible Training Center in Brazil, Indiana by 7:30 in the evening. As we were calling in to get instructions to the facility, we realized that in coming into Indiana, we had crossed another time zone and it was really 8:30p.m. now. Oh my! were we late. But they were very gracious and asked us to tell a story anyway and they all stayed a half hour extra to listen. It is always such a blessing to sit down with these dear folks and listen to where they have been and find out where YHWH is leading them. The Centers always feed us and put us up for the night and ask us to do morning devotions in which we take the opportunity to share some Hebrew language insights.
A couple of the gals gave up their beds for us to sleep on and we felt really loved and cared for.

Got to Tennessee Friday and so far have had a wonderful, packed to the brim few days. More to come.

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