Friday, October 9, 2009


Jaffa Gate --Jerusalem

October 9, 2009
We just wanted to give a quick update. We are in Jerusalem and were asked to not blog until the main group was out of the city. There has been a Heightened police and IDF presence during our time here, but we have not been affected by any of this. Our time in the Old City during Succot has been full of insight and revelation. We were blessed to be able to give a program with our stories and harp Wednesday evening and many were blessed. Since we have been to Jerusalem before, we were asked to be guides around the city to orient the "newbies". Many of the group were Participating in one of the 24 / 7 house of prayers here, and took the watch from 3-6 pm.
Another event occurred on Tuesday when the Korean film team had the musicians and dancers up on top of Mount of Olives performing "Days of Elijah".
"Days of Elijah" on Mt. of Olives
The sun broke out at the right timing for the third "take" and there was a sense about Prophetic what had just taken place. The clouds were Roiling around on the horizon as we were singing "riding on the clouds" and the sun rays were breaking through the clouds as we were singing "shining like the sun". One of our group was playing the Shofar - very well I might add-as we were singing "at the Trumpet sound, and there was a sense of something being broken as we sang and Danced. Only His time will tell.
Shofar on the Mountain--Over the
Eastern (Golden) Gate

We had quite a night Wednesday when we woke up in the wee hours with rain hitting our face. Since we were on a roof, there was little shelter, so many of the group ran Downstairs and finished out the night on the lobby floor. It was quite a site. Everyone was good Natured about it and the sun was soon out to dry everything off.
Hostel Lobby Scene After the Rain

We have made connections to give the main offering that you all have sent with us to the Messianic fellowship in Jerusalem, and we will give you a report when that is done. We want to thank those of you who Participated in this offering to our brothers and sisters here, and Assure you that what you have done has not gone unnoticed. YHWH has said not to come up to Jerusalem empty handed and you have Obeyed Him. We are confident that there will be much Multiplication - both ways! Once again, we Encourage you to begin planning to be here next year. Hag Sameach / Happy Feast!

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