Thursday, October 1, 2009

End of the Harvest

Picking the Harvest of 2009

October 1, 2009
Today we finished our last picking in the vineyards before Sukkot. Josh Waller said we had picked 35 tons of grapes in the past two weeks, almost doubling their previous harvest high of 20 tons. We have started taking people back to the airport for their return trip home, so we can see the beginning of the end for this year's harvest.
Salute to our Family Going to the Airport
We would have done more, but as I explained in one of our earlier postings, the sugar was late coming into the grapes so we had to do other things (mostly pulling weeds--see one of our earlier posts of lessons on weeds) and did not have enough days left before Sukkot to get the whole harvest in. There will be some returning here after Sukkot to continue in the harvest until it is completed. We will see if we are some of those.
Boys Building a Succah at School in Shiloh

We spent last evening after completing our work assignment in Shiloh, going back over to Mt. Gerazim. A dear friend of ours had contacted us to let us know that her daughter had just died suddenly with no known cause--only 29 years old and mother of 3 small boys. She asked us to go upon Mt. Gerazim and read the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 and blow the Shofar to call out to YHWH for Him to move on their behalf. So this we did. Our hearts were full of praise and prayer as we submitted this petition on behalf of our dear sister and her family. We have not yet heard back from them, but we are believing and praying for YHWH's glory to be revealed in what takes place in that family.
Worship is Always a Highlight
The verse of Hebrews 11:35 where it says that women received back their dead come to life, came to our minds as we prayed. With the signs of the times going on around us, is it not time to expect to see the mighty miracles that scripture records as a witness for us? Is it not time for the gospel to be preached not with mere words but with power and signs and wonders? Pray with us for this dear family won't you.
There is so much that has taken place this past 3 weeks that we have been here. I would highly recommend that you start saving and planning to be here next year. There are so many opportunities opening up for more people to enter more harvest fields next year. Today we were picking for a new vineyard owner who was willing to "try us out". By the end of the day, he was very pleased and invited us back. Shiloh vineyard's were another first for this year and yesterday while we were picking there, I asked the field manager how we were doing. He smiled broadly and said "You are all like a machine--it is already almost done and not even lunch yet!" He was very pleased.It seems that the Waller family have been given much favor in this region, and we even had Korean and South African people helping with the harvest this week. It is amazing to watch YHWH begining to gather His people from the 4 corners of the earth. WOW!
Tommy takes us touring to places that have no tour busses. The sites that we have seen are ignored by most people who come to Israel and the Holy Land. But they are sites that should be on everyone's itenerary. This is what is called the "Heartland" of Israel. This is where everything begins and comes back to. YHWH made His covenant with Abraham not 15 miles from here. Israel ratified that covenant centuries later on Mt. Gerazim and Mt. Ebal, not 10 miles from here. The Tabernacle rested with the Shekinah presence of YHWH for 369 years in Shiloh, not 15 miles from here, and this is also where YHWH speaks directly to Samuel. What rich history, and yet very few people come. These are the places that Tommy brings us to to introduce us to the rich history that is threatened to be given away for "peace". If you come to the harvest next year, you will never see things the same again.
And not just the history will change you, but the opportunity to be in community with incredible people who become your family over the days and weeks you spend with them. People who love Israel and love Torah and understand the times we are living in. By the time we have started to take people back to the airport, there are many tears, exchanged addresses and promises to keep in touch. This time together has been precious and we will not be the same for having had this time together.
Modern Day Israeli Pioneers
And not only the people who come from the nations to here, but also those we meet here and begin to establish friend ships with. They can't believe we will come into the West Bank to see them and they are so encouraged we have come to visit with them and help them. Such a simple way to make such a huge difference in the world. I challenge you each--make a commitment to be with us here in Israel for the harvest of 2010--YHWH willing.

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