Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Communities of Like-Minded Believers - Is It Possible?

Our younger son and family are in Australia – what a sad event for us! But they are safe and well-rested and looking for a house and vehicle and all the things that put together life in a new environment. We went right up to spend some time with our older son and family in Idaho – what soothing balm they were for us, excited, ‘I’m so glad you’re here, I love you so much” grandchildren to help ease the heartache of missing other loved ones.

I am including a portion of a “prophetic word” given by Sarah Menet, the woman who prophesied the 911 disaster, because I believe this word ties into the need for gathering together that some are beginning to feel compelled toward.  (We do not know this woman nor have we researched her previous prophetic messages - we are including this portion only for it's revelance to our subject.)

“As I looked upon this scene of chaos, smoke and destruction I noticed that there were small pockets of light scattered over the United States. There were, I would guess, about twenty or thirty of them that I saw. I noticed that most of the locations of light were in the western part of the United States, with only three or four of them being in the east. These places of light seemed to shine brightly through the darkness and were such a contrast to the rest of the scene that they caught my attention. I focused on them for a moment and asked, 'What are these things?'

“I was then able to see that these points of light were people who had gathered together and were kneeling in prayer. The light was actually coming from the people, and I understood that the light was showing forth their goodness and love. I further understood that they gathered together for safety and that, contrary to what I had witnessed everywhere, they cared more for each other than for themselves. Some of the groups were small with only a hundred people or so, but other groups consisted of what seemed to be thousands.

I realized that many, if not all, of these places of light, or cities of light as I began to think of them, had somehow been established just before the biological attack, and that they were very organized. It was as if they had known what was coming and had prepared for it. I did not see who or what had organized them, but I did see many people struggling to reach them with nothing but what they could carry.

The cities of light had food that others outside of those groups did not have, and within the cities of light food was readily shared with those who joined their groups. In these places there was peace and safety. The inhabitants were living in tents of all kinds, many of which were no more than blankets held up by poles. I noticed that the gangs made no threats on these groups and left them completely alone, choosing to pick on other targets and unprotected people, as many of the people in those cities had guns that they would use for self-defense. The gangs also preyed upon the people who were traveling, trying to reach the cities of light.

As I looked upon them, I realized that these cities of light were temporary and that in a short time the people living within them would go to another place. I do not know where they were to go but seemed to think that they gathered in the mountains, to higher places." (Sarah Menet)

We stumbled upon a piece of property last week when we were in Idaho visiting our kids that would make a great place for like-minded people to gather together and live in community. It’s in a short-sale situation right now and possibly could be picked up for less than the listed price. Seven families going together on this purchase would be an investment of $50,000 (on the high side) per family. Here’s the link for anyone that may be interested: http://www.flexmls.com/link.html?rnmpbq5pdwp,7,1

This link will no longer be available after 12/16/2010

DISCLAIMER: As we have said in previous postings YHVH is going to gather His kids from the four corners of the earth – He is going to do it, He just asks us to walk with Him, hearing His voice and obeying His instructions. Is preparation part of His instructions? We believe yes. Is gathering together part of His instructions? We believe yes. Is the entire world going to be judged? We believe yes. Is there any “safe” place? We believe the only safe place is dwelling in the shelter of the Most High, abiding in the shadow of the Almighty.  Is Israel still the center of YHVH'S activities and where His children will be gathered?  Yes, Israel is the land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by YHVH - it is the place of the promised inheritance.

Several items have come to our attention lately, one being that Idaho is ranked in the top of the list for best all-round places to be for the now and up-coming cataclysmic events befalling the US and the world. Another is an article relating how to approach and look for potential community members – you solicit people for the assets they can bring to your situation, in other words you look for people that fill needs that you have, whether that need be a medical person or a plumber. Another is the prophecy that I posted a portion of at the beginning of this blog. (And not to mention our governments shenanigans.)

A new thought came to me the other day when a friend mentioned how people need to know how to do things that will make them more self-sufficient. What about using the cell-church concept? A community is begun that has people knowledgeable in carpentry skills (including plumbing, electrical etc), gardening skills and food preservation, animal husbandry (goats, sheep, chickens, etc), clothing manufacture, hunting, mechanical, and medical / dental. This is your core group. From this core group you grow until you have enough people/families with the needed skill sets to divide and create another community and so on and so forth. To keep the communities on the smaller side – say 30 to even a 100 would help the dynamics stay more intimate and manageable.

Now, let’s talk about the ‘M’ word, money. Let’s face it, right now almost everything that we do requires money, even to drive to fellowship gatherings requires money to put fuel in the vehicle to get there, so it is unrealistic to think that a community can be started or supported without money.

Say you want to be part of a community you have skills, but no money. A couple of options: you seek to join a community that is up and running and has developed a community income source where you can use your skill set in exchange for money or you can engage in conversation with a planning phase community that has interested parties who have money above and beyond the determined family share and will agree to act as a “bank” and meet your share until such a time as the community develops an income source where a share of your portion will go to paying back your “loan”. Don’t be afraid to think creatively and find other options for making community-life a reality for you. We need to realize that all these transactions need to be conducted in a professional, business manner based on Torah principles. Yashua said He did not entrust Himself to any man for He knew the heart of man, but He left us with the command, “the world will know you are my disciples by the love you have for one another.” When we think that everyone will just do the right thing because after-all we are Torah pursuant – we are falling into the trap of entrusting ourselves to fallen man and not abiding in the arms of YHVH. When we entrust ourselves to others and they disappoint our expectations in some way as they inevitably will, we most often find ourselves in the place of bearing resentment, anger, hate, frustration etc., and it’s hard to be obedient to Yashua’s command in that condition – hence the need for clarity and specifics.

It just seems like it is “gathering together” time. What would keep you from gathering together? My personal opinion is, it’s the Home Depot store motto; Do It Yourself. We all have our ideas, we want it to happen according to our ideas. The trouble with that is everyone has their ideas and I’m sure my ideas are better than your ideas and so we stay single and isolated or we end up fighting when we try it. A single stick is easily broken, scripture says, but a bundle of sticks is not easily broken. Which one are you?

We have come to the firm conclusion over the course of many experiments that a multiple owner, community trust of property ownership is best. It keeps people engaged in finding solutions to difficulties – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Like marriage, you made a commitment not easily walked away from.

Multiple communities forming are the multiple points of light described in the above “prophecy.” Are we willing to give up our agendas for HIS plan. Choices are being stripped from us daily; make your choice while there is still time to act. We encourage you to become community minded today!

I haven’t talked about the prayer and worship aspect of forming and being a part of a community, they are paramount and will also be discussed in another posting.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

S & S


  1. Shalom Shirley and Steve,
    I was so excited when I saw your email and post on this. At Sukkot I shared with you about Abba putting it on our hearts to start (maybe join?)a community of believers. It was new to us!

    I was also very encouraged when I found a paper at Sukkot on a community in the south. My family had spent many hours talking about what we wanted to do and how we wanted to operate the community and then I found that paper and it was so much of what we had discussed.

    I believe Yah is moving His people in this direction.

    Some of the ideas we had:
    First the property we found is a working campground. It has RV hookups, primitive camping, cabins, fishing, swimming pool, horses and several facilities just begging to be used by a Messianic community. It has a restaurant, store, apartments, horses, barns, amphitheatre and banquet hall.

    Before we found that place we had already decided we liked the idea of operating a public campground but gearing it toward believers. We'd like to have a store - a place for people to sell their own merchandise as well as Kosher foods and Judaica/Messianic merchandise. A restaurant would be great for feasts and fellowship. Amphitheatre and banquet hall allow for speakers, Israeli dancing, weddings, meetings and more.

    We liked the idea of it being a public campground and thought it would be good to allow campers on Shabbat but no one work and no charge for the stay on Shabbat. That way campers would be encouraged to come and get a free day and it might introduce them to the idea of The Sabbath.

    We'd like to have weekly fellowship meetings on the grounds (public and campers welcome). And we discussed running a theatre room where we could have teachings playing all the time and free for anyone to go watch.

  2. Continued...
    We also thought it would be fun and engaging to do plays of great Biblical stories and have our community members participate and allow visitors to join too. Free of charge to the public and campers (donations accepted). These would be accurate Scriptural accounts and would show truth in a way that hollywood and television often miss. We'd gear them toward the time of year - an enactment of the Exodus during Unleavened Bread etc.

    People like to be included, they like to feel like they are a part of something. We thought by showing the Torah lifestyle and allowing them to see it and experience it, it might really encourage them.

    We want an organic garden and a fix-it shop where we refurbish items and resell them.

    We also talked about things like solar, hydro and wind power and energy efficient and inexpensive homes (like underground or straw bale) and having herds, especially Biblical sheep and goats.

    We'd like to get products from the sheep and goats like wool and milk. Offer classes in homesteading skills to the public (these things are making a comeback but there are some generations who have no experience in basics like canning or sewing). Classes would include things like sewing, candle making, canning and preserving, spinning wool, Hebrew... We'd like to find local church groups or school groups and offer field trips to learn something or participate in something.

    Winter income could be tough but school and church groups and offering cross country skiing or ice skating and sledding on the campground would offer some additional income.

    We would like all employees to be in the faith but allow all to express it within Torah to their own personal walk with Yah. For instance, some ladies may desire to always wear skirts and head coverings but it would not be a requirement of the community. Some are on different calendars, we would close the campground to the public for the Holy days and just start at the beginning of the calendars used and keep it closed until the end, everyone would be welcome to observe their calendar - exceptions being we would not observe christmas or easter etc.

    We felt the rules of the community should be clearly defined and contracts signed. Absolutes should be very clear. Such as, there will absolutely not be any christmas trees; or, anyone bringing in illicit drugs will be warned once then expelled or whatever the rules may be.

    I pray and believe Yah will guide His people to these places and the right people for the jobs needed.

    Shalom & Berachot
