Thursday, May 26, 2011

We're Moving to...

Dear Readers and Followers of The Peregrinnatti - YHVH'S Minstrels blog,

Several exciting changes are coming about for the ministry of The Peregrinnatti!
Steve and I will be sharing these changes with you as they unfold.  For now we want to share with you our move from Blogger to Word Press.  This will be our last posting on  You can keep up with our thoughts, activities and insights at: which leads to another change for us; we are changing our website from to  It is still under construction, but we are excited about the changes and additions to this new website. Come visit, give us feedback, we appreciate your encouragement and support!

A new update was just posted today, May 26, at titled "Going 'Round the Mountain, Again?" 
There are options on the blog page to become an email subscriber or to continue with RSS; lots of options for sharing and following. Come on and join us as we continue this great adventure together!

May YHVH bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you!
Because of HIM,
Steve and Shirley