Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Standing in the Gap

October 27, 2010

Yesterday Steve and I drove to Nevada to spend the day in prayer; praying on-site with insight, the old prayer-walkers mantra. We were going at the compelling of the Ruach haKodesh. Our morning devotions had been from the books of Ezekiel and Revelation and the upshot of this time was a renewing of the fact that there are only two seeds; the seed of hasatan and the seed of the woman which is Yashua haMeshiach. Hasatan’s seed is referred to in a number of different ways in scripture, but during this particular devotional time we were concentrating on the babylon reference. There are those that refer to the United States as babylon, for a while we were part of this group, but our heavenly Father has opened our understanding to realize that everywhere hasatan plants his seed is “babylon” for there are only two seeds. Can the US only be Babylon and Europe not, or China not, or Africa not, or Russia not, or…? We who have bought into the understanding that the US is babylon to the exclusion of any other country – I am afraid that most of us have taken on a pacifist, ce-sera-sera attitude, whatever, I’m on the next flight out of here anyway. Yesterday I was shown how wrong and deceived that attitude of mind is – in fact it is no better than awaiting the pre-tribulation rapture. We are ALL going to go through some level of tribulation, it has been laid out for us in the feast cycle of YHVH, and our Elohim does not change His mind as a man changes his, He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Back to the drive to Nevada - we were going to pray about the mid-term elections, we knew that was our assignment, but we didn’t yet know how to pray. During the two plus hour drive to the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe we sought the Father for direction and His revelation wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and discernment to understand and follow His leading. Whenever we leave in the car we ask the Father to protect our journey, to keep evil far from us that we might not be harmed or bring harm to anyone else, so it was a startling shock when a small fist-sized rock came hurtling at us and smashed a great concentric circle in the middle of our windshield. Both of us were quite shaken by this for if the rock had come through the glass the outcome of this story could have been quite different. This incident let us know that the mission we were on was a serious one and carried great consequences. The scripture from Ezekiel comes to mind, “YHVH looked for a man to stand in the gap on behalf of the land and found none.” We were determined to not be the fulfillment of that scripture for our intended day of prayer, and we continued on, but definitely sobered.

The day was cool, but we found a sheltered place on a boulder-strewn beach with our faces to the sun for warmth and Steve got out the flute and I began to pray from the Psalms. After awhile I noticed that Steve had his Bible open and I asked him what he was reading, he said nothing and I said well your Bible is open to some passage and he said the wind blew it open. What did the wind blow it open to, I asked, maybe we should read that portion. When we began to read the passages from Exodus 7, the direction for the day began to reveal itself. Moses and Aaron are told by YHVH to go before Pharaoh and demand that he let the children of Israel go. As the story continues Pharaoh hardens his heart through nine requests which brings much devastation on the land of Egypt, but works to consolidate the hearts and minds of the Israelites until at the last they are ready to leave the land of their sojourn for the land of promise. Our going to Nevada had everything to do with the mid-term elections. We knew that when we left home, what we didn’t know was how to pray. We believe the Father directed us to pray for “Moses’ and Aaron’s” to go before Pharaoh and demand a release for YHVH’S people.

The man who occupies the oval office is a “Pharaoh who does not know Joseph”. Already his government’s policies are depicting similar scenarios as described in the story of Exodus. So, if the story line continues we should expect “Moses and Aaron” types to stand before this “Pharaoh” proclaiming the will of YHVH. As is recorded in the Exodus story we should also expect a hardening of Pharaoh’s heart which will mean much devastation to be poured out on this country as YHVH works to get His people in place for their exodus from “Egypt” to the land of promise. Let us not be dismayed or disheartened or lose faith in the One who Redeems and Delivers and Restores. Look up, dear friends for indeed, our Redemption does draw nigh!

During this week before Election Day, November 2, will you stand in the gap for YHVH’s people, will you pray for “Moses and Aaron” types to be sent to Washington to stand before “Pharaoh” and declare the will of YHVH? As Moses and Aaron were given the words to say, so to, as the story continues, will these new voices be given words to say. We must pray for the voters to be bold and be strengthened and also chose to stand in the gap, we must pray that the deceptions of the enemy will be shown up for what they are, we must pray for the Light that dispels the darkness. Pray that the Light will surround the workers of darkness thus exposing their evil deeds. Yashua said in John 3:20-21; “For everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who practices the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.” Pray that the people may see the truth for it is the Truth that sets us free!

Because of Him!

P.S. We cannot afford to continue in a pacifist attitude.  Yashua confronted the demonic agenda head-on.  We must follow His lead remembering that we "struggle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The spirit of control vs. self-control

Steve made it back to the states from Israel and we are together in Florida celebrating with my dad his 80 years of life. We leave Thursday for California where we will be engaging full-swing helping our younger son and family get ready for their move to Australia. Steve has a good report of the land, and I am sure he will be sharing some of his news and views as time goes on – right now though, he is trying to get his body clock set back on US time!

That was last week’s news! Now we are home, getting ready for the rainy season here in California and getting as much grandparent time in as possible before we leave for out-of-country ministry in December/January. It is a couple of busy months ahead for us and we would appreciate your prayers as we navigate through this time. We’ll update our traveling calendar soon.

Unity seems to be on lips everywhere one turns these days, both in the secular and the religious communities, but just what does that word mean – UNITY? Some things have happened in our life that has given me a new perspective on this word, I will try and communicate to you what I believe the Ruach is communicating to me. It’s changed my life and the way I view life, and I pray that you will receive a revelation from the Father that will be change (we can truly believe in) to you as well. It is a case of the spirit of control vs. the fruit of self-control. The spirit of control is about controlling one’s environment, but self-control is about controlling me so I can live in my environment.

Galatians 5:22-23, tells us that the fruit of the Ruach haKodesh indwelling us is: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” The spirit of control is also found in scripture. The story of Felix in Acts 24:24-27 is an example of the spirit of control trying to manipulate the environment to achieve its ends vs., YHVH’s plans and purposes. YHVH always uses everything for His good purpose, but how much better when we live in the fruit of the Ruach, hearing and obeying the will of YHVH.

Now, let me try and put a little flesh on this. Self-control leads to true UNITY, the spirit of control only leads to division. Why? Because every person wants to control their environment, i.e., the people and circumstances around them instead of being self-controlled so they can live and prosper in their environment with each other in the unity of the Ruach haKodesh. Think about all the church splits, friendship splits, divorces, partisanship, alienated children, country take-over’s and nation splits. Now put all these examples in context of the spirit of control vs. self-control. Why do parents kick under-age children out of their homes? Could it be that the home environment is one under a spirit of control and self-control has never been taught or modeled so personal spaces clash and division erupts. Why do fellowships split? The way you worship doesn’t fit into my environment – how I think worship should be conducted, therefore I am going to leave and not just leave, but I’ll slander you in my leaving. Protestants vs. Catholics, Fundamentalist vs. Charismatic, Shabbat vs. Sunday, we can barely stand each other. The spirit of control is having a heyday because of the perceived need to control our environment to achieve our goals. Opposing controlled environments are bumping up against each other and it’s more natural to isolate than practice the fruit of the Ruach and self-control no matter what the environment. Yashua was the Master of self-control, it didn’t matter what circumstance He found Himself in He always exhibited the fruit of the Ruach haKodesh – He was the epitome of self-control.

The world is ripe for a hostile take-over. The spirit of control has weaseled its way into the very fabric of life as we know it. We think we are doing YHVH’S service when we slander our brothers and sisters because they are not doing what we think they should be doing. We use certain texts in Scripture to elevate our position and cast dispersions on fellow sojourners. Among believers who has total understanding of All Truth? Are we so anxious to usurp Yashua’s place that we become judge and jury? Have we not read lately that by what measure you judge it shall be measured back to you, pressed down, shaken together, running over? This doesn’t apply just to the good things from YHVH’S hand. What did Yashua say – didn’t it go something like this; they will know you are my disciples by the LOVE you have one for another?

It’s time to wake up dear friends and reject the spirit of control and ask, plead, beg for the infilling of the Ruach haKodesh in the fullness of everything He has for us so that we might “escape and endure to the end.” Revelation 12:11; 19:8,14, “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even to death. And it was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, where following Him on white horses.” Fine linen, white and clean is evidenced by the fruits of the Ruach haKodesh working in our lives, not the spirit of control, or hatred or anger or jealousies or resentments or bitterness and the list goes on.

I control myself by the power of the Ruach living in me, trying to control my environment leads to a manifestation of bad fruit. Can you control people’s actions and behaviors? Yes, you can, but only through manifestations of manipulation and control. Can I control my actions and behaviors no matter what environment I am in? Yes, I can, through the power of the Ruach haKodesh living in me I can turn the other cheek, I can walk an extra mile, I can lend my coat, I can be patient and kind and gentle and peaceable and loving. I can control my tongue, my thoughts, my modesty, my appetite. I can do all things through Messiah who strengthens me! Philippians 4:13.

It is time to stop blaming everyone else for our troubles and take a peek under the covers of our lives to see just what may be hiding there that is keeping us from the perfect and pure will of Elohim. And the definition of GRACE that I really enjoy: The empowering presence of YHVH in my life enabling me to BE all that He created me to BE so that I might DO all that He has for me to DO.

Paul and Barnabas couldn’t agree on taking Mark along on their missionary journey so they parted company and Silas joined Paul and Barnabas went with Mark. Is it recorded that they slandered each other, or split the congregation because of their opposing views? Near the end of his life Paul calls for Mark while he is a prisoner in Rome and he calls him a good servant. So the inference is that they practiced self-control, allowing the Ruach to work out His good timing in their lives, instead of personal environments clashing leading to division. Let us take this example to heart and learn to be self-controlled in our disagreements, maintaining that we will be known by the love we have for one another. Yashua is going to be teaching us Torah for a thousand years, He will instruct us in all of His Truth. The commission He has given us is to share the gospel to all the world. How? When the world knows we are His disciples by the love we have for one another.

Bless you,

Shirley & Steve

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Web

The Web

I have been asked on numerous occasions to write out this understanding of the web of haSatan and I am finally attempting to do so. If after you read the following and you have questions feel free to contact me and I’ll try and help with whatever clarification I might be able to give.

haSatan is working hard to make sure the entire world bows down to him in worship and allegiance to him is quite evident; on the streets, in the schools, among the leaders of government and industry. He captures people’s allegiance through enticement by worldly pleasures, lust of the eyes and the flesh. Romans 1:29 details haSatan’s allurements even more completely; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. These things are activities that people engage in with a conscious choice. I call them the front two windows of your house; window one - things that you and YHVH know about you, and window two – things that you and YHVH and others know about you. This is the arena of curses, soul ties, generational iniquities, things that you know and can deal with, if you chose to, openly. But there are also two windows in the back of your house/ mind where activity goes on that you are not (necessarily) aware of. These windows are: what only God knows about you and what God and others know about you, but you are not aware of. This is where haSatan weaves his web and snares the unaware and unsuspecting (most effectively) just like a spider weaves its web. Let’s think about a spider web for a moment. Have you ever gone outside in the morning only to walk through a spider web that was not there the evening before and half an hour later when you came back that way there was the spider web in your path again? You brushed it away once but the tenacity and perseverance of the spider remade its web in record time. Have you ever watched a fly get caught in the spider’s web? The fly gets tangled in the fine threads of the web and soon here comes the spider to wrap up the fly – immobilizing it, leaving it to marinate for a future meal. When a second fly is caught in the spider’s web and the spider comes out to immobilize that fly the entire web is affected by the spider’s actions, is it not? So now, let us put this analogy into practical terms for us: haSatan and his minions are constantly weaving webs for the specific purpose of immobilizing us – he does not want us to be or do kingdom activities. If he can’t get to us through the front of our house he is very effective at getting to us through the back of our house. Question: have you ever begun your day in fine spirits only suddenly to find a black mood has dropped over you - out of nowhere? Where did that come from? I submit to you that you were experiencing being caught in the web – either fresh caught yourself or feeling the effects of haSatan’s movement on the web as he wraps up another victim. haSatan is constantly weaving webs; in this space in history I believe it is virtually impossible to not be effected by his web making, but here is the good news – we don’t have to remain trapped, YHVH has provided a way of escape! Here is what YHVH shared with us a few years ago that has made such a difference for us and actually everyone to this date that we have shared this simple tool with.

When you realize that you are entangled in one of haSatan’s webs and by this I mean when you wake up to the fact that you are not being the reflection of Yashua, or behaving like the born-again, Ruach filled, known as a disciple of Messiah by the love you have for your husband, wife, child, friend, neighbor, stranger in your gate, or living in the fruits of the Ruach haKodesh; you must at that moment stop and ask YHVH to sever you out of haSatan’s web. If you delay one moment you are only furthering your own misery – for haSatan only comes to steal, kill and destroy.

This is the first half of the prayer YHVH taught us to pray: Abba, I am caught in a web, I realize I have said and done unkind things that are not pleasing to you or edifying to my family, friends, (etc.). Please forgive me for indulging in self-pity, depression, despondency, despair, rejection, (whatever it is that you are indulging in at this moment), and please sever me out of this web of haSatans. I pray that you would sever any and all unholy, unrighteous web line connections between myself and ___________.

Example: myself and my husband; myself, my husband, my child, my child’s wife. Myself and the postman or the grocery store clerk or the airline ticket counter agent, anyone that you had a connection with at the time you realize you are caught in a web.

(Remember how a web works, all the threads are connected, you need to pray through the connections, to pray for someone to be severed out of the web that you don’t have a connection to would be practicing witchcraft in my opinion.)

You are praying about Unholy, UN righteous web line connections to be severed – you are not asking for relationships to be severed. Asking for the unholy, unrighteous connections to be severed will, you will find surprisingly enough, provide space for wonderful things to happen. The first wonderment will be in YOU! Your attitude will change, immediately. Look for it – let yourself be surprised!

When this revelation was being revealed to us, I asked for something in scripture to ground this. I was taken to Genesis and the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When they ate of the forbidden tree they had to leave the garden and a cherubim with a flaming sword was stationed at the entrance of the garden to make sure they stayed out. What the Ruach shared with me is the second part of the severing out of the web prayer. Is 58:11 and Jer 31:12, refer to us as a garden and this is the symbolism we are going to us in the second half of this prayer.

The second part of the prayer YHVH taught us to pray: Abba, thank you for removing the unholiness, unrighteousness from my garden, thank you for stationing a holy Cherubim at the entrance of my garden to preserve the purity of my garden and to stand as a guard to prevent the unholiness, unrighteousness from coming back into my garden. I thank you, for you are trustworthy and merciful, abounding in patience and loving-kindness to a thousand generations of those that love you. Thank you for loving me and hearing and answering my prayer for deliverance - because of the shed blood of Yashua. Amen

It’s simple and very effective. This understanding and prayer is a well-used arrow in my arsenal of spiritual warfare tools.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

40 Day Transitions

40 days is symbolic of many things in scripture, the two most common examples are: the flood when the skies poured forth rain for 40 days and 40 nights and Yashua in the wilderness for 40 days and nights. Other examples include Moses on the Mount with YHVH for 40 days and nights; the 12 spies of Israel sent to search out the promised land for 40 days; for 40 days the Philistine, Goliath taunted Saul and his army; Elijah when he was fed by the angel of YHVH went in the strength of that food for 40 days to the mount of Horeb; YHVH tells Ezekiel to lie on his right side for the house of Judah for 40 days; Jonah prophesies that Nineveh will be overthrown in 40 days; Yashua was seen for 40 days after his resurrection from the dead; all of these examples of 40 involve transition – a passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another: CHANGE. When Steve and I decided to split our efforts this fall festival season we did not realize that from the day he left for Israel until the day he gets on the plane to return to the US would be 40 days.

Jeremiah 6:16 says: Thus says YHVH, “Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you shall find rest for your souls.”

Yashua said in Matthew 11:28-30: Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

At the turn of this new century I laid down my counseling ministry when it became apparent to me that I was learning and practicing the “good” methods of man instead of seeking out the “best” revelations of YHVH. I finally found myself in the place of the disciples who asked Yashua, “why couldn’t we cast it out?” Yashua’s response is so revealing, “this kind comes out only by prayer.” In other words – Shirley’s translation - YHVH is Light, He invites us to dwell in His Light, darkness cannot abide in His Light. It’s all about relationship. Have I allowed the Ruach haKodesh to transform my life from darkness to Light? Have I allowed myself to be refined as silver is refined until there is no dross left? The spirit of Elijah is stirring across the land, turning the hearts of the children back to the hearts of their fathers – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is the ancient path, this is where rest is, this is the revelation of Yashua haMeshiach, He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

When I lost most of my hearing in my left ear last year while we were in Israel, the Ruach communicated to me that this was going to be a time to learn to hear with spiritual ears, I will be physically limited as to what I can hear verbally, but as I listen to the Ruach I will hear in the Spirit. I confess that this has been a difficult and frustrating journey. I want to hear with my physical ears what is being spoken and that is not possible for me in crowded, noisy settings and sometimes even in quiet places. I know people who have hearing lose understand. So, in the very noisy Jerusalem Marketplace, a woman I did not know comes up to my table and says, “You do inner-healing prayer, I need you to pray for me about my sister.”

I had come to this Sukkot to speak for the Women’s Luncheon, to offer our CD’s in the marketplace, and be generally refreshed – that was my plan. At this Feast of Tabernacles I found myself, quite frankly, in a place I never expected, people out of the blue coming and asking for inner-healing prayer and counsel.

“What do I do, Abba?”

My mind began reviewing all the old techniques that I had laid down so long ago – she was so expectant, I was catching odd little snippets of her need, while my mind was carrying on a conversation with the Ruach that went a little like this; “I can’t really hear her, we are in the Marketplace with people all around and she is pouring out her desperation and I have nothing for her. Why now, why here, how did she even know me. Remember, I don’t do this anymore.”

Then that gentle, comforting, but firm with insistence, voice of the Ruach comes tumbling over the distractions of my mind, “Hear her spirit, listen to her with your spiritual ears.”

“Oh, it’s not about me is it?” “Okay then, what are YOU saying?”

She later told me that she hadn’t come for herself and hadn’t even realize that she had a need, but what happened was just what she needed and such a great peace and comfort now filled her soul. I caught glimpses of her from time to time during the remainder of the feast and she was changed, from what I first perceived in her – sorrow and fear – to hope, contentment and joy, and it wasn’t because of any technique I employed. The Ruach did the work of transformation; I was just the vessel He chose to pour Himself through to her. If this had happened once during the feast I would have said, what a blessing to be so used and left it at that, but this scenario kept repeating itself during the 7 days of the feast. What this means I have confidence that YHVH will keep His promise of Psalm 138:8; “YHVH will accomplish what concerns me; thy loving kindness O YHVH is everlasting; do not forsake the works of thy hands.”

YHVH is doing a new thing in the earth; He is positioning His people for great exploits. So the question is; are we willing to cross over from familiar to unfamiliar; from what we know to what we don’t, where we are comfortable to uncomfortable? Shaking what can be shaken seems to be how YHVH most often works in the lives of men when He has a transition ready for us. Are you being shaken? Then look for the transition and welcome it, embrace it for the Master’s sake. The rewards are beyond description!

Sorry there are no pictures of the beautiful Feast of Tabernacles or Israel, but our camera has retired and we have need of a new one.  If anyone would like to help us with this need we would be much appreciative!
Bless you!