Sunday, July 25, 2010

Call to Prayer During The Days of Awe

We received a call from a friend the other day asking, “Where are you? We haven’t heard from you in awhile, you know we like your updates.”

Well, subtle hint or not we got the point – WRITE! And let us know what you are doing – so here goes.

It has been a busy summer. Maybe not as one would expect busy to be for The Peregrinnatti, but busy nonetheless! We went to Family Week West with the Waller’s in Colorado and we were so taken with the Tabernacle of David worship that Zac and Brayden Waller led each morning. This is turning out to be a major impact on how we are thinking and praying about putting together our own presentations. Mainly the new one that we are working on called “And I, John, Saw”. We are hoping to have this ready to present by the fall.

As many of you know, our younger son, Micah and his family are moving to Australia the first of November. They asked us to spend significant time with them this year and we have willingly and eagerly honored their request. This has, out of necessity, limited our time spent on the road visiting with all of you. But, we do not regret this decision as Australia is a long way away, not a two hour drive to visit the grandkids like it is right now.

Another thing that has been heavy on our hearts is the state of America and the heart of her citizens. I have written before about guarding yourself from becoming weary of/in the battle that rages around us. The enemy wants us to disengage, to grow weary, to fall asleep, to lay down our armor. I myself have at times said, “Abba, I don’t know how to pray anymore!” This morning Steve and I were reading in the book of Nehemiah chapter 8, about the returned exiles gathering on Yom Teruah and reading the Torah and continuing the gathering through Yom Kippor and Sukkot – reading the Torah and worshipping YHVH and repenting of their sins. Chapter 9 says they spent a fourth of the day reading from the book of the Torah and a fourth of the day they spent confessing and worshipping YHVH their Elohim. That’s 12 hours a day. A thought flooded my mind; what if we were to gather like that – read the Torah, worship and repent of our sins, individually and nationally for the 10 Days of Awe. Would we then go into the Festival of Sukkot with great rejoicing and anticipation of YHVH’s presence among us in real and tangible ways?!

Is this a YHVH idea to gather together to pray and worship and basically obey 2Chron 7:14 for ourselves and our national identity – Israel, during the Days of Awe?

The calendar we are using says that Yom Teruah begins September 9 and Yom Kippor is Sept 18, during these dates is the time known as the Days of Awe. As you are reading this do you sense the tug of the Holy Spirit to join in with this? Steve will be joining the Wallers in Israel for the harvest and the fall feasts, but I am being led to remain in the States during this time. If the Father’s will is to gather in the States and pray and worship and repent during the Days of Awe, the state of Nevada keeps coming to mind as a possible place to gather in. Just a few miles from the town of Ely, (eastern Nevada, on Hwy 50) is Cave Lake State Park that might work for a gathering. No large covered building, and no electricity, but they do have showers and flush toilets.

Please seek the Father about coming together for the Days of Awe to pray and worship and read His Word – to seek His Will for His people, His set-apart ones.

If the Father doesn’t lead us to a gathering in Nevada think and pray about doing a Days of Awe gathering in your local area. There is a great need at this time to gather and pray and worship and repent – both individually and nationally. This is an opportune time – the moedine of YHVH - in which to do this.

Now for a bit of personal news; we have leased our property to a couple with two young children for the next 30 months. They have already moved on site and are quite enthusiastic about getting the place in shape and seeing the land prosper. Already they have cleaned the weeds out of the asparagus bed and are eating the fruit of their labors and have planted a small garden. A goat has joined the family – more for weed control at this time – as well as another dog and cat. Their animals and ours have seemed to work out a living arrangement with their cat coming out as the Alpha!

Steve and I are keeping control of the underground house as our home during this time, but this arrangement has freed us up immensely. We can come and go as the need arises and not have to worry about things being cared for or left undone.

We just returned from spending two weeks with our son Micah and his family camping through the southwest, visiting the Grand Canyon, Santa Fe, southern Colorado, Capitol Reef National Park in Utah and then on home through Nevada. It was delightful spending such quality time with our kids and grandkids! The little ones grow up so fast – you want to catch what you can when you can! Jacob turned 3 months the 22nd of July and Isabelle is 2 years and 4 months. Jacob and Steve have quite a connection – Jacob will just look up at his grandpa and smile and smile at him, he’ll even quietly fall asleep in his arms – he really likes it when Steve plays his harp too. He seems fascinated by it! Isabelle is her own little lady/tomboy and lets everyone know what is on her mind. Oh, the joys of being two! Micah and Angela are great parents – our hats are off to them!!

When Steve was so sick this spring we were led to some information that has proved to be very helpful to us. I will post some web links here so in case you haven’t heard of these things you can become informed if you so chose.

I will also let you know that we make these devices that are discussed on these web links. There are many sources on the internet where you can obtain these devices that help you get back your health, or you can build your own, but like one of our friends said, “maybe YHVH brought you to this information and gave you the skill and knowledge to make these as a benefit to the believing community and a way the believing community can help support you and The Peregrinnatti ministry.” Contact us if you have questions or if you would like to order one of the devices.

That’s it for now!

May YHVH continue to hold you in the palm of His hand.